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Lecture Notes: Elderly Care Medicine, 8t


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Lecture Notes: Elderly Care Medicine, 8th Edition(圖1)-速報App

Lecture Notes: Elderly Care Medicine, 8th Edition

This Wiley - Blackwell app-book is developed by MedHand Mobile Libraries. Improve your performance with relevant, valid material which is accessed quickly and with minimal effort in the palm of your hand using MedHand’s patented technology.

THIS APP-BOOK for, Lecture Notes: Elderly Care Medicine, 8th Edition, includes unique functions such as:

• A powerful search

• Bookmarks

• Complete set of medical calculators; Body Mass Index, Peak Expiratory Flows, Dehydration Correction Calculator and more

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• High resolution pictures

Lecture Notes: Elderly Care Medicine, 8th Edition(圖2)-速報App

• History

• Notes and picture notes

About this title

Elderly Care Medicine Lecture Notes provides all the necessary information, within one short volume, for a sound introduction to the particular characteristics and needs of elderly patients.

Presented in a user-friendly format, combining readability with high-quality illustrations, this eighth edition has been thoroughly revised to reflect advances in knowledge on how disease presents in elderly people, and changes in management practice, particularly regarding stroke, dementia, delirium, and cancer.

New for this edition, Elderly Care Medicine Lecture Notes also features:

• More treatment tables and boxes throughout for rapid access and revision

• Expansion of material on polypharmacy and prescribing

Lecture Notes: Elderly Care Medicine, 8th Edition(圖3)-速報App

• Discussion of emotional support, counselling and spirituality

• Advice for doctors on breaking bad news and end-of-life care

• Consideration of ethical and legal issues

A companion website at www.lecturenoteseries.com/elderlycaremed features appendices which can be used as guidelines in a clinical setting, key revision points for each chapter, further reading suggestions, and extended content for specialty training in geriatrics.

Not only is this book a great starting point to support initial teaching on the topic, but it is also easy to dip in and out of for reference or revision at the end of a module, rotation or final exams. Whether you need to develop or refresh your knowledge of geriatrics, Elderly Care Medicine Lecture Notes presents 'need to know' information for all those involved in treating elderly people.

Authors: Claire G. Nicholl, K. Jane Wilson

Publisher: Wiley – Blackwell


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MedHand Mobile Libraries offers a SUBSCRIPTION FREE application without edition upgrade.

MedHand has created user-friendly, quick and intuitive applications which have been honoured with numerous 5 star reviews praising the interface and layout. Offering the most trusted and well recognized medical guidelines provided by excellent publishers. MedHand delivers what you need, trusted knowledge at the point of care!

MedHand are presenting latest editions from renowned publishers such as Oxford University Press, McGraw-Hill, Wiley-Blackwell, Royal Pharmaceutical Society, PDR Network LLC and more.

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支援平台:iPhone, iPad